
Representations of Sweden at international conferences:
Makes F
Enzymatiske reaktioner i malerier fra 1600-tallet, samt udnyttelse af diesse reaktioner ved konservering af malerier fra Skokloster slot.
Enzymkongres, Kopenhagen 1978.

Makes F
Enzymatic condolidation pf paintungs
ICOM Committee for Consrtvation 6th Triennial Meeting
Ottawa 1981

Makes F
Enzymatic condolidation of a painting: seventeenth century landscape from Skokloster Palace
IIC Science and technology in the strvice of conservation
Washington 1982

Makes F
Enzymatic removal of lining paste from paintings ICOM comCommittee for Conservation 7th Triennial Meeting Copenhagen 1984

Makes F
Properties and behaviour of juglone in tanned leather . Konservering igår och idag
NKF, Helsingfors 1985

Makes F
Analysis and conservation of picture ”Rudolf II” by G. Arcimboldi ICOM Committee for Consrtvation 8th Triennial Meeting
Sydney 1987

Makes F, Puhringer J
The protection of wood against moulds from hydrophobies to inhibitors of enzymes- som strategies. Wiener Berichte uber Naturwissenschaft in der Kunst
Wien 1987-88.

Makes F
Enzymatic hydrolysis of the lining paste in Eeckhout picture. 9 th Triennial Meeting ICOM for Conservation
Dresden 1990

Makes F
Götrborgs studies in conservation 1. Enzymatic consolidation of the portrait of Rudolf II as “Vertumnus” by Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Acta Universitatis Goethoburgensis 1988

Makes F
Damage to old bookjbindings in the Skokloster Libary. A new method of inhibiting injurious enzymes in leather.
Nordisk tidsktift för bok-och biblioteksväsen 1984

Makes F
Korrossionsangrepp på 15-tals hjälm genom sönderfall av konserveringsmedel
Livrustkammaren 1985

Makes F
Enzymatic consolidation of paintings
PhD thesis, Göteborg University, 1979

Makes F
Enzymatic consolidation of portrait of Rudolf II as “Vertumnus” by Giuseppe Arcimboldo with a new multi-enzyme preparation isolated from Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba)
Acta Univer Gothoburg 1, 1988

Makes F
Enzymatic examination of the authenticity of a painting attributed to Rembrandt
Acta Univ Gothoburg 2, 1992

Makes F
Investigation, restoration and conservation of Matthaeus Merian portraits
Acta Univ Gothoburg 3, 1996

Makes F
Mould damage to cultural memorials
Poškození kulturních památek plísněmi
Gema art, 2003

Makes F
Novel enzymatic technologies to safeguard cultural heritage
Acta Univ Gothoburg 16, 2006

Makes F
Modern technologies to establish authenticity of paintings
Unipress, 2007

Makes F, Brunskog M
Enzymatic restoration and authentication of Guiseppe Arcimboldo’s Vertumnus
Gotland Univ Press 12, 2011

Makes F
Guiseppe Arcimboldo Vertumnus a knihovník
Unipress, 2012

Makeš F
Nové strategie preventivní konzervace a identifikace obrazů
Unipress, 2013

Makes F
Novel enzymatic technologies to ascertain authenticity of a 14th century Madonna
Unipress, 2014

Makes F
Modern enzymatic technologies to safeguard cultural heritage
Unipress, 2017

Makes F
Technologie vhodné pro autentičnost a enzymatickou konsolidaci obrazu
Universita Hradec Králové
Přírodovědecká fakulta
Unipress, 2019

Makes F, Puhringer J
The protection of wood against moulds from hydrophobies to inhibitors of enzymes- som strategies. Wiener Berichte uber Naturwissenschaft in der Kunst
Wien 1987-88.

Makes F
Enzymatic hydrolysis of the lining paste in Eeckhout picture. 9 th Triennial Meeting ICOM for Conservation
Dresden 1990

Makes F
Götrborgs studies in conservation 1. Enzymatic consolidation of the portrait of Rudolf II as “Vertumnus” by Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Acta Universitatis Goethoburgensis 1988

Makes F
Damage to old bookjbindings in the Skokloster Libary. A new method of inhibiting injurious enzymes in leather.
Nordisk tidsktift för bok-och biblioteksväsen 1984

Makes F
Korrossionsangrepp på 15-tals hjälm genom sönderfall av konserveringsmedel
Livrustkammaren 1985

Makes F, Puhringer J
The protection of wood from moulds- some strategies. Wiener Berichte uber Naturwissenschaften in der Kunst
Vol 4/5 1987/88 pp 161-179

Puhringer J, Weber J, Makes F
Deterioration of Gotlandsandstone at the Royal Palace in Stockholm, 9th Int Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone,
Lissabon q1992 pp 687-695

Puhringer J, Weber J, Makes F
Ein Mechanisamus des Chloridangriffes auf OPZ proc. 3. Int Colloquium on Material Sciences and Restoration
Esslingen 1992 pp 1494-1519

Puhringer J, Makes F, Johnson B
Eletrical charges and the Degradation and Conservation of Mineral Materials, UNESCO/Rilem Int Congress on the Conservation of Stone and other Materials,
Paris 1993

Puhringer J, Makes F, Johnson B
Mögelbekämpning och mögeletablering NUTEK/STU project 728-90 04647 och 91 1953 lägesrapport
oktober 1991

PUHRINGER J, Makes F, Johnson B
Mögeletablering NUTEK/STU projrkt 728-90 04647 och 91 1953 slutrapport 4 delar
juli 1993

Makes F, Puhringer J
Polarographische Untersuchungen an ormocerbehandelten und unbehandelten Kupferblechen mit historische Patina (1887).Mai 1993, EU projekt contract 920 107

Makes F, Puhringer J
Polarographische Optimierung von Ormocerbehandlungen auf Bronzen, März 1994,
EU-projekt contract 920 107