

Catalyst of life
Life rotates around two molecular systems.
One is catelytic, consisting of proteins
represented by enzymes. The other one
is informative and consists of nucleic acids.
Prof. Josef Charvat

The kind of „kinetic“ or motion that Makes has choosen to express in bright colors is something quite new. Makes has drawn the artistic consequences of his life-long scientific work whit restorations of paintings and other objects of art. He has invented a non-invasive enzymatic way to remove overpaintings and deleterious moulds. He applied this technology for refined kinetic studies of enzymatic degradation of complex substrates isolated from diverse work of art, mainly paintings. His search in the intricate processes of enzymatic kinetics, a delicate balance of the molecules mirabilis of life, is a fascinating journey.

He has found a pictorial language of his own. The kinetic of vatious molecules with thier affinities or repulsions inspire us to feel pulsation in colors and forms. The power of Makes artistic talent is expressed with the full saturation of colors as well as with his unique capacity to symbolize motion in manifold directions.The blue tune of infinite space, the green chlorophyll of solar energy, the pulsating red of blood and bloom, the blazing colors of metals. From the innermost matterof creation in microcosmos to the atttaction and vertigo of the farhest macrocosmos, spellbound by motion of the molecules, such are the associations provoked by Makes paintings.

We see something quite new with the eyes of a scientist who is also an artist. His field occupies a place of own, close to science atr, well established since centuries.

Sten G. Linberg, PhD
Bibliotekarie, Kungliga biblioteket


Just from the very beginnins of the creative activity of Frantisek Makes in the 60 sixties, his paintings prove a firmly concieved effort to capture, melt and reintegrate all different components of inspiration.

Hence his works constantaneously represent a rare unity in technicality, esthetic and philosophic message. To get true and right expression of his artistic ideas, after studies of painting at Prague Academy he continued a postgraduate course of restoring.

He always considered the forms we are observing as a primordial message of the nature. Investigating their both apparent and hidden sense the interest of the author was turnned towards studies of natural hidtory. Therefore he devoted himself to study natural history at the Universities in Gothenburg. These are the main sources and streams of the polyvalent personality of Frantisek Makes – painter, scientific expolrer art restorer.

In each one of the three faculties his activity is vigorously vaste and the obtained results are sufficient to carry him respect and satisfaction. But unique is the mutual influence and coordinated progress – one of the nowadays most serious and audacious attemots to overcome the schismatis state, or rupture between art and science, exact and spiritual components of present civilisation.

Already the first one – man exhibition which took place 1966 proved the wide and deep creative spirit of the author. Thirty two items of the catalogue clearly declared a new personality contemporary Czech painting. Makes presented himself as a painter mastering landscape, stillife and figure with a surprising perfectionality in skill and manner. As a deeply spirituel personality with a bright endeavour to express his ideas fully and clearly. His perfectly performed paintings, clear and firmly built were brightly communicative in their esthetic and philosophy. And this in the following decennia never changed. Frantisek Makes is following to think about his feelings and to feel his recognitions.

Now, the artist lives in Sweden. New impressions and experience inspired him. His paintig reflected the new facts indeed, but still within the frame and order of creative program. Appearently in this period Frantisek Makes seems to be predominantly restorer and biologist. However, he never abandoned his brushes but put across with deep concentrtion and high performance.
The canvases we are invited to examine and admire are trying to express dynamical process in bidimensional, quiescent and compactforms. Laws of nature and art were resoected in firm unity by each one of the ancient civilizations. During the last two centuries this unity was gradually replaced by diverging streamings which caused a schismatic situation. The work of Frantisek Makes prives a deep and convinced feeling and streaming to rejoin original and genuine unity.

Jiří Burian